Hey guys!
What I have learnt over the years, is to just make the most of every moment you have got. Always try and have a smile on yourself, don't take people for granted and be confident in yourself. Ignore what the haters have to say, what they think really doesn't matter. Just be YOU. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Don't be someone who gloats on the past, as Gemma from TOWIE said "cry for two days, then move on"
We are all tested just to prove how strong we are. Without all this happening in my past, I wouldn't be the person I am now. The person I am now is strong and is (slowly!;)) building up her confidence, not being afraid to put my hand up in class because I am scared of what other people will say. There will always be bullies in life, you just have to ignore them and get on with your life. I know things are tough if you are experiencing it, but you can do it, it WILL GET BETTER! Try a new hobby, make friends who you wouldn't even dream of talking to, have a girly day with friends or your mum, do things with the people who DO CARE. I am a bit grateful for the bullies in life, because it has just made me stronger.
Mwah :*