Thursday, 28 March 2013

Marks & Spencer's Floral Vintage Bunting

hey guys, 

a close up

This beauty of a bunting that ever was made cost £7.50 from Marks & Spencers Garden Section. When I saw it, it didn't matter what the price was (even though it was actually quite reasonable), I just had to get it! It's longer than I first thought as well, 7ft in total!

I am honestly so happy with it. It makes me happy just looking at it! hehe!

Have any of you guys got that Vintagey feeling at the moment? What do you'se think of it? What do you add to your rooms to give it that touch?


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  1. Wow that looks so pretty! My room has been looking a little bare lately and I think bunting will be the perfect solution. Thanks for the idea. I nominated you for the Liebster Award by the way. CHeck it out on my blog :)

  2. It's so pretty!! Just found your blog and love it - followed xox

    Helena xx

  3. That looks so pretty, I'm surprised at how cheap it was!
    Love Holly x

  4. That bunting is adorable, i may just have to go down to marks and spencers and buy some(:


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