whats a blog post without a picture eh?
Oh dear. I feel utterly ashamed. I haven't posted since August 13th, which is nearly two whole months ago. I must admit, I think I needed the break, as every blogger seems to need every once in a while. I have also been working 'behind the scenes' of Bow Petals, within the next year I am going to set up my own blog shop selling handmade jewellery (
affordable handmade jewellery), I have created a new layout and design which should be up within the next month, and I have also been creating a blog diary so I know what to post and when. Ooo, also, by August next year, I should be starting Youtube videos. Exciting stuff! I guess I haven't been completely negligent to my blog, and I of course have been reading fellow blogs on bloglovin every night like they are the bible.
So why have I not posted? hmm, well, to be honest, I'm not too sure. I have had lots going on recently and as I am sure you are all aware, coursework and controlled assessments take up 98% of your time when you are in year 11. I come home from school, do homework for 5 hours straight, eat dinner then fall asleep. That has literally been my routine for quite some time now. I have also been spending quite a lot of time in London as well, seeing lots of west end shows. I guess I have been living a little bit more, instead of being cooped up in the house all the time.
So when am I going to post next? Hopefully, soon. It all depends on how much homework I get over the next few weeks, but I am hoping about twice a week. One will be a wish list type post, and the other any hauls or reviews. If you have any ideas for posts then please let me know!
okay, this is the bit I am most excited about, I hit 100 followers! WOOO! I have been waiting for this for a while and last night I saw I had 101! There will be a giveaway coming up shortly, so if there are any things you can recommend for the prize I would love to know! Thankyou all so so much for following this blog, whether it be on GFC or bloglovin, it means a lot! You guys make my day when I see a new follower.<3

I have recently been struggling with what I want to do as a career. Now, this has really been stressing me out. At the moment I am looking at colleges and sixth forms, but I have no idea what course I want to take. When I was little I always wanted to be a fairy hairdresser, which I think now is a little bit hard to achieve in life. Then it was a journalist, then a weather girl, then an actress. It has all been involved with media and I think it always will. My dream on becoming the next west end actress didn't dissolve, and I think my whole school is aware of it now, but recently, it's been fading. The uncertainty of acting is scaring me off, and I started to want to work in a bank. Don't get me wrong, I think working in a bank is great, and I admire all who do, but I just don't think its for me. I let my only dream in life go away. I lost hope, and I lost effort. I lost interest in my subjects at school and I felt myself slip a little as my grades dropped a bit. Even my parents saw it. The only thing that motivated me was gone. I then saw Top Hat, which may not be everyone's taste in musical, but it really was A M A Z I N G. It fully restored my faith in acting. It may not be easy, it may be uncertain, it may not be paid well, but if it is what I want to do, and I love doing it, then surely it's worth it?
I apologise for this being a bit of a long rambly post about my troubles and my highs, I hope you don't mind too much!
(both images from we heart it)