Monday, 24 December 2012

Christmas Outfits

Hey guys!

Wow 3 posts in one day!

I just had to do another outfits post. You see, because the last one I did seemed really successful as the page viewing numbers went mad so I decided to do a Christmas Outfit one. If you want to take a look at the Autumn Outfits then click here. I just had to sneak it in before Christmas Day.

So here we go!

I really have fun making these, so if you like these kind of posts, then let me know!

Oh, by the way, if you want a closer look then just click on the image :)

Mwah :*

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  1. Hi Hollie-Lou - love your blog! Curious to know how you create those lovely images and collaborations of the clothes!! I would really love to be able to make them for my blog but have absolutely no idea where to start! xx

    1. Awh Thankyou, it means a lot! And sorry for the late reply, I didn't get an email notifying me that you had commented! I did it on PowerPoint actually. I just opened up PowerPoint, then deleted the title boxes, the copied and pasted all my pictures. Then click on save as, and underneath the little box where you type in what you want to name it, click on the drop down box and click jpeg and your done!xxx

  2. I would love to know the same as above ^^^ :)

    1. I just opened up PowerPoint, then deleted the title boxes, the copied and pasted all my pictures. Then click on save as, and underneath the little box where you type in what you want to name it, click on the drop down box and click jpeg and your done!xxx

  3. Hi, I've put your blog button on my blog, fancy a button swap? x

  4. ah thankyou! Yeah of course! I will do it now :) xx


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