hey guys!
I have my next interviewee! If you haven't read my last interview then click here.
I interviewed Jade from Dotty Dolly Blog!
Let's get started!
1. What/who influenced you to start your blog?
> I've always loved fashion, so whenever I had the chance i would constantly be reading fashion blogs! I loved what i read, what i saw, and it was amazing how much they inspired me, and my style! I had planned to start a blog for a while, but i guess the level at which most girls blog put me off, because i never thought i could be that good! In the end, I just went for it! and have never looked back!
2. What was the first blog you read?
As far as i can remember, I think it was Olivia's! (from www.whatoliviadid.com) She's so inspiring!
3. What statement items of clothing are you loving at the moment?
I'm absolutely loving hats at the minute! Whether its my Fedora, or bobble hat! I just can't take them off! They just add so much to an outfit! I'm also loving tartan print, and i'm actually on the look out for a tartan skirt!
4. What is your favourite beauty product?
Ooooh, this is a hard one! In terms of brands, I can't stay away from YSL! So i think it's going to be my YSL shocking mascara. It's just amazing, and I really couldn't live without it!
5. When did you create your blog?
I first created my blog in September of 2011, but it became more directly about 'fashion & beauty' in the beginning of 2012! It took me forever to edit my layout too, but i'm pretty happy with how it looks nowadays!
6. What's your favourite high street store?
I suppose most girls would say Topshop, but I love H&M for their great prices and often quirky pieces! A great place for basics, too!
7. What blogs do you love reading?
I have so many favourites, but I think Olivia (from www.whatoliviadid.com) is my absolute fave! Her style is so effortless, her writing witty, and never mind the fact she's bloomin' gorgeous! Other lovely blogs are Lily's from (www.iamlilybee.blogspot.com) Megan from (www,wonderful--you.blogspot.com) Kat from (www.jemimaandted.com) and Tami from (www.tami-bee.blogspot.co.uk). But that's just to name a few!
8. If you could swap lives with a celebrity for a day, who would it be?
I've never really thought about this question before! But if i had to choose, it would either be Alexa Chung or Felicity Jones just so i could rummage through their inevitably amazing wardrobes!
Thankyou very much Jade for taking the time to answer the questions and letting me interview you!
You can visit Dotty Dolly by clicking here. It is honestly such a lovely blog! Also, follow her on twitter here. Dotty Dolly is a beauty and fashion based blog which also has DIY posts. I am currently loving DIY posts on blogs at the moment as it is a great way of saving money!- and also, as i am on a spending ban, my mum can't tell me off for buying it!
I am honestly a massive fan of this blog!
I am honestly a massive fan of this blog!