Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Ramble Ramble

hey guys!

Well... I had arranged to post another OOTD, but as I have just looked through my camera, they are all blurry and out of focus *sob*. So instead I thought I would just do a bit of a rambly post, just updating you guys on some things.

♥ So firstly, im back to school *dramatic sob* and I have science exam next week. Joy!
♥ Before the christmas hols, I took part in a panto for my GCSE drama with my best blogger pal, Gracie Rose.
♥ I recently went to the Hilton Hotel for afternoon tea, where I recieved a tiny tiny jam jar and just think it is sooooooooooooooo cute.
♥I have a chesty cough and I hate it. ew.
♥My theatre school which I attend is finally opening after the hols which I cannot wait for as I miss everyone so much.
♥ It was my mums birthday - happy birthday mum if your reading this!
♥My christmas was really good (despite the flooding) and I got soo many lovely presents including a Sewing Machine, Thomas Sabo Perfume, MAC makeup brushes, iLuv docking station and lots and lots of clothes!
♥I spent New Years Day in a Parade up London which was televised by the BBC. (fame at last!)
♥I have realised how many true friends i have actually got. I know my friends wont be reading this, but you happen to, you know who you are. :*
♥I really want my hair dip-dyed. So bad.
♥I have finally perfected my school makeup look without the teachers noticing. *grins*
♥I will try my best to be more organised with my blog and schedule blogs throughout the week!
♥I am currently freezing.

So how are you guys? Did you all have a good Christmas/New Year? What exciting things are you looking forward to?

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